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     The instruction covered every matter likely to be useful at the time of the missions to come. The very constant physical activity was directed by warrant officers of the British commandos and by American marines of whom one was named Robichaud and another Homola. “Both instructors in question were for us good comrades, and effective teachers, but... it was sometimes painful”. We exercised every morning with close combat fighting to be able to defend ourselves in the event of aggression, but especially knowing how to kill properly, without noise and with bare hands by breaking the cervical vertebrae.


Some Sussex crossing the Thames river

Some Sussex crossing the Thames river
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Quelques Sussex en exercice a la fosse a grenade

Quelques Sussex en exercice à la fosse à grenade

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Some Sussex during motorcycle training

Some Sussex during motorcycle training
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Un Sussex en exercice de topographie Map reading

Un Sussex en exercice de topographie Map reading

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Un Sussex en exercice de topographie

Un Sussex en exercice de topographie

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Quelques Sussex en formation tir avec pistolet Colt 45

Quelques Sussex en formation tir avec pistolet Colt 45

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Les Sussex en formation au morse en salle d'entrainement

Les Sussex en formation au morse en salle d'entrainement

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Les Sussex en formation au morse en salle d'entrainement

Les Sussex en salle radio d'entrainement au morse

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Les Sussex Sadoun et Bechtel au 1er plan

Les Sussex Sadoun et Bechtel au 1er plan

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     The instruction also related to the learning of enemy equipment: aviation, armoured tanks, vehicles of all types, recognition of the German units, ranks, emblems of unit, its order of battle, etc.

"We learned how to drive all types of vehicles, apart from cars, that we could have to use, such as trucks, bus, motor bikes (not very current knowledge at the time), etc"

     Training also included sabotage, handling of all kinds of explosives, grenades, and other "assorted tricks". There were also boxing matches to test combativeness.

     Topography and orientation were in addition included in the programme. The objective was to know how to send the co-ordinates of future grounds, being able to be used for various insertions of men and materials and even to mark out a ground for the night landing of liaison planes, such as the Lysander.


1st jump with detachable kit bag - Ringway 1944

1st jump with detachable
kit bag - Ringway 1944
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Cartoon on training of Sussex W/T operators

Cartoon on training
of Sussex W/T operators
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     Among the most important subjects, especially for the "radios", were to learn how to code and to decipher the messages.

     An essential element of this training was a need to be familiar with the radio sets to be used on missions. It was also necessary to know to lay out the antenna (a simple electric wire but made out of steel from 6 to approximately 8 meters), which it was necessary to lay out in various methods, either in a straight line, or a V, or L, etc, this enabled to the best possible reception according to the location of the radio operator. These radio sets were already very powerful, since radio connections to and from London-Saigon had been carried out.

     These radio sets held in suitcases of ordinary appearance of civil style, and functioned only in "C-W communication", which means in Morse.

     The parachute training took one week at the famous British Parachute school of Ringway, near Manchester.

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