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   The misadventures and other eventful journeys of three other teams are described to a large extent in the colonel Rémy’s book:

     "These three teams were parachuted in the night from the 3rd to the 4th of July 1944 in the Sarthe region near the Hermitage castle. There were six SUSSEX agents: Evelyne Clopet, Roger Fosset, Andre Noêl, Aristide Crocq, Marcel Biscaïno and Laurent Rigot. This parachuting was hectic, at such point that the committee of reception on the ground extinguished the beacons too early. The plane, believing in an alarm, brought Evelyne back without to have let her jump. She was dropped four days later separately. She succeeded in joining her observer on the 14th of July 1944.


Second-lieutenant Evelyne Clopet aka Chamonet

Second-lieutenant Evelyne Clopet
aka Chamonet
Shot on August 10th, 1944
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Second-lieutenant Marcel Biscaïno aka Maurin

Second-lieutenant Marcel Biscaïno
aka Maurin
Shot on August 10th, 1944
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     The German retreat was so fast that the original orders were modified. They were asked to be ahead of the enemy withdrawal, while avoiding to be encircled. The resistants gave them a German van. The three teams headed to Vendôme. On the 9th of August 1944, some German soldiers in escape stopped the vehicle which had just crossed Lavardin. They hoped to have found a means of transport.

     Astonished by these civilians driving a Wehrmacht van, the Germans asked to see their papers. Our friends were naturally equipped with false orders of transport and forgery "Ausweis". Unfortunately, none them spoke German.


Second-lieutenant Aristide Crocq aka Dutal

Second-lieutenant Aristide Crocq
aka Dutal
Shot on August 10th, 1944
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Second-lieutenant Roger Fosset aka Girard

Second-lieutenant Roger Fosset
aka Girard
Shot on August 10th, 1944
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     The soldiers seemed to suspect a car robbery. Perhaps they simply wanted to seize this van which would be extremely useful for them? They brutally asked them to leave the van and threw the suit cases on the road. A bag opened and a radio set appeared. Immediately, the search started. The Germans discovered weapons. Young people wanted to fight, but Evelyne held them back to do nothing. Order was given to the small group to take again place in the back of the van whose soldier broke the separation window. Germans seated on the bonnet while others hold in respect the six young agents. Noël and Rigot were placed close to the doors. The car started towards Vendôme. Biscaïno and Crocq succeeded in tearing papers which they carried and threw them outside.

     At the arrival in Vendôme, Rigot succeeded in jumping out from the car and escaped. At 09.00 pm, the five remaining companions were given between the hands of Feldgendarmen. A housekeeper soon saw Evelyne lying on the ground, unconscious, surrounded by German gendarmes. She had on her face the trace of blows of butt, her thighs were lacerated by the bite of the whip. The interrogation lasted until 1h30 of the next morning, punctuated by cries of pain, without the torturers succeeding in drawing any word from those which they tortured.


Second-lieutenant André Noël aka Ferrière

Second-lieutenant André Noël

aka Ferrière

Shot on August 10th, 1944

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Brigadier General B. Rogers Presented the US Silver Star to Mrs Amélie Noël dedicated to her son

Brigadier General B. Rogers (European Operation Theater)
Presented the US Silver Star to Mrs Amélie Noël on April 23rd 1945 dedicated to her son André (posthoumous)
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     Feldgendarmen had enough of it. They asked for a tipcart without driver They took along the five young agents on the road of Paris. Inhabitants of Vendôme heard the noise of the badly lubricated wheels, they perceived a distressed call, launched by a female-intonated voice... Then bursts of machine-guns. The five martyrs were buried beside each other, in the small cemetery of Saint-Ouen close to Vendôme ".


(1) Colonel RÉMY, Les Mains Jointes , Raoul Solar, 1949.
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